Nice, FedEx

July 25, 2005

Mangled FedEx delivery box

Only pictures can do this story justice, but I do have to throw in the kicker. When the FedEx delivery man handed my wife the box, he said, "Sorry, it got a little beat up."

Ya think?

It's pretty ironic that the box contained a camera. Worse for FedEx.

Posted at 01:02 AM in Business | Permalink Icon Permalink

3 Comments from the Peanut Gallery

1 | Posted by Jason on July 25, 2005 at 04:52 PM EST

What a joke. I can't believe he actually handed it to you. Are they going to pay for it?

2 | Posted by Dan Allen on July 26, 2005 at 11:44 PM EST

I am working on a claim right now. I am absolutely astonished that the camera still works, but then again, it could experience failure sometime in the near future.

I just picked up the box tonight, now a few days later, and it feels like a rag. I swear the dude ran over it with his truck.

3 | Posted by Shawna on November 05, 2008 at 02:18 PM EST

If the cam works OH well maybe your wife shouldnt of took the box from the courier.. YOUR BAD not FedEx